Message from supporting member Hunting Works for Pennsylvania

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Hunting Works for PA is a coalition of businesses, organizations and travel and tourism bureaus that are educating the public, media and public officials about the incredible economic impact that hunters have on Pennsylvania. Most folks know that hunting is big in Pennsylvania, with nearly 1 million taking to the field each year. But most also regard it more as a recreational pursuit than the economic engine that it actually is.

Hunting has a $1.6 Billion impact on the economy of the Commonwealth every year. It is responsible for 15,000 jobs. It produces more than $121 million dollars in state and local taxes. Hunting is big business in Pennsylvania.

The mission of Hunting Works for Pennsylvania is to make sure that people understand how important hunting is to the state. Having this knowledge will bring greater value to the minds of non-hunters whenever hunting is discussed, whether in the state capitol, in the news, or in local towns.

Launched in March, Hunting Works for PA now has 115 members in 38 counties across the state. Our goal is to continue to build this coalition in 2014. Co-Chairs of Hunting Works are Rob Fulton (president of Pennsylvania Association of Travel and Tourism), Vern Ross (vice president of the board of the National Wild Turkey Federation), Janet Nyce (member, Governor’s Advisory Council on Hunting), and Joe Keffer (owner of the Sportsmen’s Shop in New Holland). More information can be found at

Read a press release penned by Rob Fulton, co-chair of Hunting Works for PA and president of Pennsylvania Association of Travel and Tourism.