The Bluebird Society of PA and the Purple Martin Conservation Association of Erie, PA will hold a joint conference at Best Western Premier- The Central Hotel & Conference Center, 800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, Pa. 17111 April 5-6, 2013.
Event Highlights: Friday evening: 6 9 p.m. Hors D’oeuvres, Cash Bar with evening programs. Saturday: All day conference includes speakers, displays, vendors, exhibits, live and silent auctions, Amish quilt raffle, door Prizes, Bluebird and Purple Martin Store items for sale on site. Registration of $35 per person includes Saturday morning Breakfast Buffet and Mid-day Luncheon Buffet and allactivities on Friday night and Saturday. * Pre-Registration is required for food planning. Registration forms and additlonal information can be obtained from the following host organizations websites: The Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania: The Purple Martin Conservation Association of Erie, PA:
* Bluebird Speaker: Mr. Andy Ohrmon, past president of the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania, presents “The
Joy of Bluebirds and Other Cavity-Nesting Birds up Close and in Motion.” Experience birds in slow motion
footage with special effects from cameras placed inside the nest box. Explore cavity-nesting birds as you’ve
never seen before.
* Purple Martin Speaker: Mr. John Tautin, executive director of the Purple Martin Conservation Association
of Erie, PA presents “Building Community for Purple Martins.” This conservation topic concerns the ecology,
status and management of Purple Martins, with emphasis on building community to address the decline of
martins in Pennsylvania.
* Guest Speaker: Mr. Daniel Brouning, wildlife diversity chief, Pennsylvania Game Commission, presents
“The State of Pennsylvania’s Birds.” He will update the status of PA’s birds as determined from the recently
completed 2nd PA Breeding Bird Atlas of America.
Due to spring events in and around Harrisburg, please reserve your rooms promptly. Now accepting lodging reservations: (717) 561- 2800. Mention the Bluebird/Purple Martin Conference to receive the group discount rate.