Membership Information
ACTIVE – This category is specifically geared to those who are active in the outdoor communications field. There are minimum requisites regarding the amount of material potential prospects have had published or aired previously. These minimums must be maintained each year once you become a member.
ASSOCIATE – This category is geared to members and potential members who have not had enough material published or aired to qualify for Active membership. An Associate member is expected to make yearly progress toward meeting the minimum requirements for Active membership.
STUDENT – An applicant for Student membership in POWA must be enrolled in some capacity in an accredited secondary school, community college, college or technical school and have an interest in pursuing a full or part-time career in nature art, outdoor photography, outdoor writing, conservation, outdoor education or nature tourism.
SUPPORTING – POWA welcomes and encourages businesses, agencies, marketing and advertising organizations, manufacturers and purveyors of outdoor products and other outdoor-related groups to become Supporting Members. Full-time employees of a for-profit business, agency, or organization related to the outdoors, wildlife conservation or nature related tourism may apply for POWA membership. Supporting members enjoy opportunities to highlight their products and services to other members of POWA through mailings and emails, at the yearly spring conferences, and in the newsletter. Supporting members are key to the fiscal stability of POWA and the POWA Excellence in Craft awards.