Craft Award entries due by March 11

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Please study all the category criteria and submission guidelines published in this edition of PowWow before submitting entries. There are 29 Craft Awards this year – eight core awards and 21 specialty awards.

There is a $5 entry fee per category. Please fill out the “Craft Award Entry Form,” add up the total number of categories entered and multiply that number by $5 to calculate the grand total. Submit a single check or money order with the appropriate amount made payable to “POWA” and include it with your entry. Entries not accompanied by the required fee will be disqualified.

Note, poetry will be considered as long as the published poem(s) meet the award requirements.

Contest entries must be postmarked by March 11, 2023. Winners will be announced at the annual POWA Awards Banquet in May.

Entries should be mailed to: Brad Isles, 147 Swain Hill Road, Harmony, PA 16037.

  1. All Active, Associate and Life members of POWA in good standing are eligible to enter.
  2. A maximum of two (2) entries per award category is allowed.
  3. Unless noted, submit three copies of each entry for each award. One entry copy must be an original or exact photocopy and include the name of publication, date of publication and author. If an original or exact photocopy is not available, a website URL must be provided with this copy. The other two copies must have all identifying marks, bylines, personal photos and references blacked out and rendered unreadable, with the exception of the TV/Radio Program or Best Book category. Copies downloaded and printed from the publication’s website are permissible as long as an original with identifying marks is also provided.
  4. Joint bylines: Co-authored/photographed/produced entries may be entered only once. Joint bylines will be considered as an entry for each contributor. All entrants of co-authored entries must be POWA members.
  5. A letter of verification from the editor/publisher must accompany materials not containing bylines, or containing pen names.
  6. To be considered for an award, the published material must have been compensated for by cash, check, goods or services of value. This includes the Best Blog Entry Award.
  7. Members may submit an entry in only one Core Award* category, to eliminate the possibility of a person winning multiple core awards for a single piece. For example: an item published in a newspaper may not be entered in both the newspaper column and the newspaper feature categories. In nearly every instance, such a distinction is obvious. On the other hand, a member may submit an entry for a writing award, and the accompanying photo/art for a photo/art award. A member also may submit an entry in one Core Award, and in any number of Specialty Awards for which it meets the criteria. Entries submitted for the wrong award will not be considered.
  8. Entries must cover nature, wildlife, conservation or outdoor field sports such as hunting, fishing, camping and boating.
  9. Entries must have been published in the prior calendar year, unless indicated otherwise in the contest description.
  10. Entries must NOT be bound, matted, changed in size, altered, edited, or submitted in any form other than exactly how they were published and viewed by the public. Entries altered from their published form will be disqualified. Let the entry stand on its merits, rather than its “packaging.” Photocopies are permissible.
  11. Envelopes or folders containing entries must be clearly marked on the front with the name of the award for which the entry is being submitted. Please mail all separated entries in one master envelope.
  12. Entries must be postmarked no later than February 26, 2022.
  13. Contest materials will be returned by mail only if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope stamped with sufficient postage.
  14. Winning entries constitutes a waiver of copyright restrictions on reprinting the entry by POWA.
  15. The Awards Chairman is not responsible for determining the validity of entries. Any questions concerning the validity of an entry will be forwarded to the President, and if he/she deems it necessary, to the Board for a decision. Further, if the President has any questions, doubts or concerns about an entry, the person submitting it will be notified immediately and given the opportunity to address whatever the question or concern might be, before any other steps are taken.


  1. Best Newspaper Column ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Bob & Linda Steiner) – Entries must have been published in a daily or weekly newspaper column. To meet the “column” requirement, the author’s work must appear as a column in the same publication at least 12 times each year.
  2. Best Newspaper Feature ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Pennsylvania Hunters Sharing the Harvest) – Entries must deal with a single topic and be either a single article or a series of not more than five articles about a single topic. The publication frequency example for the Best Newspaper Column applies here as well.
  3. Best Magazine or Regional Newspaper Column ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC Entries) – A “regional newspaper” is one such as Pennsylvania Outdoor News, which publishes other than daily or weekly. It need not be an outdoor publication, as long as the entry qualifies. To meet the “column” requirement, the author’s work must appear in the same publication at least six times each year.
  4. Best Magazine or Regional Newspaper Feature ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC Entries) – The above definition of a regional newspaper applies here as well. The entry may be a single article or a series of not more than three articles dealing with a single subject.
  5. Best Published Newspaper Photo, Color or Black & White ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA Past Presidents) – This photography category is for best published newspaper, regional newspaper or other pulp-type photography award. Entries must be submitted as they appeared when published. The format the photograph was taken in – black & white or color – does not matter, only the published form. The photo credit, caption or cutline must also be included with the entry, exactly as it appeared when published. The entry must include the name of the publication and the title of the story (headline) which was used, if applicable. The entry must NOT be mounted, matted or changed in any way from how the public viewed it as published. Submit one original tear sheet or an exact photocopy.
  6. Best Published Magazine Photo, Color or Black & White ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – This photography category is for best published magazine or non-pulp-type photography award. Photos published in pamphlets, brochures, on postcards, calendars, etc., are eligible, as long as they were published in the award year. Entry requirements are the same as for the Best Published Newspaper Photo Award.
  7. Best Book Award (alternates with Broadcast Media Award) ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – These two awards alternate each year. Entries for each award, when offered, must have been published in the preceding two years. The theme in both cases must be outdoor oriented. Submit one copy of each entry.
  8. *Best Published Art Award, Color or Black & White ($150 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – *Published artwork shall include magazines, newspapers, catalogues, brochures, or any other publication available to the public to convey the outdoor message. Published work may include limited or unlimited editions of fine art works, as long as the published form of the work is submitted for judging, the artist was compensated for the publication, the entry submitted was not self-published and the entry appeared in publication during the prior calendar year. The published art entry must be submitted as it actually appeared when published and was viewed by the public. The entry must NOT be matted, framed, bound, or altered in any way from how it appeared as published. Such entries will be disqualified. The entry must include the name of the publication and the title of the story (headline) which was used, if applicable. In addition an explanation of the use of the art to illustrate an article, column, etc., may be included, but is not mandatory. Submit one original tear sheet or an exact photocopy.


  1. POWA Pass it on Award ($300 and plaque, sponsored by PA Environment Digest) – This award recognizes and praises a POWA Active member who has been responsible for introducing people (novice adults, children or a group, audience or readership) to the outdoors or enhancing their appreciation of the outdoors. The award shall be given for the best (1) published newspaper or magazine article, (2) broadcast radio, podcast or TV program, (3) commercially marketed video, OR (4) published black and white or color photo or art, which most effectively promotes passing on the love and appreciation of the outdoors, natural resources and pursuits such as hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, camping, boating, bird-watching and nature appreciation.
  2. Wildlife Conservation Partnership Award ($250 and plaque, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Game Commission) – The award will go to the best entry from any and all media that recognizes difference-making partnerships among conservation organizations –including state or federal agencies. The partnership must demonstrate that together resources and talents can be leveraged to better accomplish conservation goals and initiatives. All entries must be about Pennsylvania projects and must have been published in the preceding year.
  3. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Raptor Conservation and Eco-Tourism Award ($200 and a plaque, sponsored by Hawk Mountain Sanctuary) – This award goes to the POWA member with the best published piece in any media that promotes the mission of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, its programs and services, or the Sanctuary as a raptor conservation organization and outdoor eco-tourist destination. All entries must have been published or aired within the past 12 months. Articles may include: subjects featuring the science of raptor migration; features on studies of raptors in Pennsylvania or northeastern North America and using Hawk Mountain scientists as a source expert; any feature on a special programs or service offered at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary; features on the history of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary; or an outdoor travel pieces on the Sanctuary as a destination in any season. The mission of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is to conserve birds of prey worldwide by providing leadership in raptor conservation science and education, and by maintaining Hawk Mountain Sanctuary as a model observation, research and education facility.
  4. The Pennsylvania Elk Resource Award ($200 and plaque, sponsored by the Keystone Elk Country Alliance) – This award recognizes a POWA member who has best communicated to the public the principals of conservation, education, hunting, hunting heritage, and the value of habitat to the Elk Resource in Pennsylvania. Entry categories for the award are broad and include any art, article, column, or photograph published (on paper or digitally), as well as any radio, podcast or TV broadcast, blog, or any commercially marketed video. The winning entry will be the best example of promoting the elk resource in the Commonwealth. Those applying must grant the Keystone Elk Country Alliance permission to have the winning entry (blog, column, article, photo or art) reprinted in their publication Tracks & Racks.
  5. Best Action Hunting, Trapping or Fishing Photograph ($100 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – This award goes to the best published color or black and white photograph that depicts action directly involving hunting or fishing. The photo must include a person, as well as a game fish, bird or mammal. Examples – a hunter shooting at a flushing grouse or an angler landing or playing a bass. Static trophy or hero shots or photos of a just dog pointing would NOT qualify. Submit one copy of the photograph exactly as it appeared in the publication, or an exact photocopy. Magazine, newspaper, calendar, book or digital publication is acceptable as long as the photographer received remuneration for his or her work or if the photo was donated to a non-profit organization.
  6. Best Conference-Related Material Award ($100 and plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – This award recognizes the best material that directly relates to the POWA Spring Conference. It can be an article, blog entry, photograph, artwork or Broadcast Media program that is generated as a specific result of an activity during or the location of the conference.
  7. Best Published Pennsylvania Fishing or Boating Related Newspaper Photo, Color or Black & White (Framed art print with brass plate acknowledging the winning entry, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission) – This photography category is for the best published local or regional newspaper photograph (printed on newsprint paper) that features Pennsylvania fishing, sport fish, boating or fishing tackle. All entries must have been taken within the Keystone State and published during the previous calendar year. If the winning entry meets the Pennsylvania Angler & Boater photo submission guidelines, the PFBC would like the option of reprinting the winning photograph in their publication with acknowledgement of the photographer’s award. If so used, the PFBC will pay their going rate for their use of that photo. (This is not a condition for applying, just a possible added benefit.) Submit one copy of the photograph exactly as it appeared in the publication, or an exact photocopy.
  8. Don Heckman – Tell the Story Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored the Pennsylvania Chapter of the NWTF) – This award recognizes the top stories on wild turkey management.
  9. Handloading Promotion Award for Broadcast Media ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Redding Reloading) – The purpose of this award is to assist in the promotion of the benefits of metallic cartridge reloading or handloading. It must be a broadcast work on either commercial television or radio format, not webcast. It will be awarded on the basis of the best communication of the inherent benefits to shooters and hunters presented by the practice of reloading their own ammunition for any shooting sports activity using a metallic cartridge. How-to, general educational and hunting success stories where reloading is a major theme are acceptable.
  10. Handloading Promotion Award for Electronic Media ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Redding Reloading) – The purpose of this award is to assist in the promotion of the benefits of metallic cartridge reloading or handloading. It must be a published work in electronic format (blog, e-zine, etc.). It will be awarded on the basis of the best communication of the inherent benefits to shooters and hunters presented by the practice of reloading their own ammunition for any shooting sports activity using a metallic cartridge. How-to, general educational and hunting success stories where reloading is a major theme are acceptable.
  11. Handloading Promotion Award for Print Media ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Redding Reloading) – The purpose of this award is to assist in the promotion of the benefits of metallic cartridge reloading or handloading. It must be a published work in either magazine or newspaper format. It will be awarded on the basis of the best communication of the inherent benefits to shooters and hunters presented by the practice of reloading their own ammunition for any shooting sports activity using a metallic cartridge. How-to, general educational and hunting success stories where reloading is a major theme are acceptable.
  12. Outdoor Blog Entry Award ($100 and a plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – This award goes to the best blog entry about anything that falls under our umbrella of “outdoors.” This includes hunting, fishing, trapping, canoeing, camping, natural history, conservation, or environmental issues. Submit entry as a .pdf file (no photographs) with a web address that links to the original source. If public access to the original source is no longer available, the entrant should also provide two additional PDF or screen photographs of the blog on the original web page.
  13. Pennsylvania Trappers Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Trappers Association) – This award will be given to the best published piece that promotes interest in or education about trapping.
  14. Trout and the Coldwater Resource Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited) – This award will be made for the published magazine or newspaper story which best shows the importance of protecting and /or promoting our cold-water resource. The article may or may not include trout and other salmonids.
  15. Lantz Hoffman White-Tailed Deer Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Karen Wolf) – This award goes to the best published newspaper article, column or magazine article that captures the spirit of the white-tailed deer, hunting whitetails, deer management or deer habitat in Pennsylvania. The topic could be as far-ranging as deer habitat improvement, natural history, rattling or even a nostalgic piece about a deer hunting camp.
  16. Wildlife Art Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art) – Artwork may be original and in any media (i.e. oil, watercolor, pastel, etc.) Three-dimensional work such as carvings and sculptures are also eligible. Reproductions or lithographs of an artist’s original work may be entered. No size restrictions. Entries must have been completed in the preceding two years. The subject may be any North American wildlife other than fish. Birds of prey, songbirds, non-game species and game birds, and animals are all suitable subjects. Previous winning entries in this category are not eligible. Artists may submit one entry and it must be present at the spring conference. Each artist is responsible for getting his/her work to and from the conference.
  17. Young Trees Habitat Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by the Upland Bird Hunt Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society) – This award will be given to the best published piece that focuses on creating young forests through wood harvest, non-commercial harvest or supplemental plantings. Prescribed fire stories will not be considered.
  18. Youth Fishing Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by USA International Sportsmen’s Show and Outdoor Recreation & Travel) – This award will be given for the best published piece, magazine or newspaper, devoted to encouraging readers to introduce, or to further the involvement of children in fishing.
  19. Youth and the Hunting/Shooting Sports Award ($150 and plaque, sponsored by Taurus Holdings Inc.) – This award is given to the best published piece that furthers the participation of young people in the shooting/hunting sports.
  20. Archery Award ($150 and a plaque, sponsored by United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania) – This award is given to the best written or Broadcast Media (TV, radio, podcast) piece that focuses on the method of or use of archery to tell the story.
  21. Humor Award ($100 and a plaque, sponsored by POWA EIC entries) – This award is given to the best written or Broadcast Media (TV, radio, podcast) piece that utilizes humor or satire as an integral way to tell the story.