All Active, Apprentice and Life members of POWA in good standing are eligible to enter this year’s Excellence in Craft Awards.
Please study all the category criteria and submission guidelines published in this edition of PowWow before submitting entries. There are 18 awards this year – eight core awards and 10 specialty awards.
There is a $5 entry fee per category.
Please fill out the “Craft Award Entry Form,” add up the total number of categories entered and multiply that number by $5 to calculate the grand total. Submit a single check or money order with the appropriate amount made payable to “POWA” and include it with your entry. Entries not accompanied by the required fee will be disqualified.
Contest entries must be postmarked by Jan. 26, 2013. Winners will be announced at the annual POWA Awards Banquet in May.
Download submission guidelines HERE. Download an entry form HERE.