The Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association presented the annual Excellence in Craft Awards during its Spring Conference banquet in Shippensburg, PA on Saturday, May 17, 2014. Awards Chair Brad Isles distributed awards to 14 individuals in 20 categories.
There were 250 total entries. Winners are:
BEST NEWSPAPER COLUMN sponsored by Pennsylvania Hunters Sharing the Harvest – “It’s time to take a ‘geezer’ fishing” by Linda and Bob Steiner, published in The (Oil City) Derrick on April 11, 2013.
First runner-up: “Better understanding of nature requires new definition of time” by Ralph Martone, published in the New Castle News on Aug. 1, 2013.
BEST NEWSPAPER FEATURE sponsored by POWA EIC Membership – “Sandy Lake couple’s unexpected adventure” by Linda and Bob Steiner, published in The (Oil City) Derrick on Sept. 5, 2013.
First runner-up: “The amazing Salmon River circus.” by Tyler Frantz, published in Lebanon Daily News on Oct. 11, 2013.
BEST MAGAZINE OR REGIONAL NEWSPAPER COLUMN sponsored by Gogal Publishing Co. – “Getting an Assist” by Linda Steiner, published in Pennsylvania Game News, August 2013.
First runner-up: “Adventures on marginal, mountain duck waters” by Ben Moyer, published in Pennsylvania Outdoor News on Nov. 8, 2013.
BEST MAGAZINE OR REGIONAL NEWSPAPER FEATURE sponsored by Blackpowder Products Inc. – “Sharing the Experience” by Tim Flanigan, published in Ruffed Grouse Society Magazine, Spring 2013.
First runner-up: “Bear Down – Hard work in harvesting a Penn Woods Bruin” by Tyler Frantz, published in Pennsylvania Game News, November 2013.
BEST PUBLISHED NEWSPAPER PHOTO, COLOR OR BLACK & WHITE sponsored by POWA Past Presidents – “Retrospect of an outdoor column” by Bob Steiner, published in The (Oil City) Derrick on Oct. 31, 2013.
First runner-up: “That cicada song” by Bud Cole, published in the Bethlehem Press, July 3-4, 2013
BEST PUBLISHED MAGAZINE PHOTO, COLOR OR BLACK & WHITE sponsored by Range Resources – “Drummer in the Woods” by Tim Flanigan published in A Passion for Grouse.
First runner-up: “Canoe Under Tree” by Cindy Ross published in Pennsylvania Magazine, May/June 2013.
BEST RADIO / TV PROGRAM AWARD sponsored by Range Resources – “Experience the Outdoors” by Doyle Dietz, broadcast on June 9, 2013.
First runner-up: “Gateway Outdoors: “Adventures on Hawk Mountain” by Charlie Burchfield, broadcast on December 13, 2013.
BEST PUBLISHED ART AWARD, COLOR OR BLACK & WHITE sponsored by GATCO Sharpeners/Timberline Knives – “Catchin’ the Wind” by Gerry Putt, cover of Pennsylvania Game News, November 2013.
BASS PRO SHOPS PASS IT ON AWARD sponsored by Bass Pro Shops – “New Years Resolution: Take a ‘kid’ hunting, fishing” by Bob Steiner published in Pennsylvania Outdoor News on Feb. 1, 2013.
First runner-up: “Introducing a youngster to lake fishing” by Mark Nale published in The Daily Herald on June 11, 2013.
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PARTNERSHIP AWARD sponsored by the Pennsylvania Game Commission – “Saving Hemlocks” by Ben Moyer, published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Dec. 22, 2013.
First runner-up: “In Search of the Unknown” by Bob Frye, published in the Tribune-Review on Aug. 4, 2013.
HAWK MOUNTAIN SANCTUARY RAPTOR CONSERVATION AND ECO-TOURISM AWARD sponsored by Hawk Mountain Sanctuary – “Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, a Unique Destination” by Bud Cole published in the Northern Valley Gazette on Nov. 13, 2013.
First runner-up: “Raptor watcher bonanza” by Ron Steffe published in Pennsylvania Outdoor News on Aug. 27, 2013.
THE PENNSYLVANIA ELK RESOURCE AWARD sponsored by the Keystone Elk Country Alliance – “Pennsylvania Elk – Celebrating 100 years in the state” by Mark Nale published in The Daily Herald on Oct. 8, 2013.
First runner-up: “Pennsylvania’s Elk Season – Different Perspective” by Mark Nale published in The Daily Herald on Nov. 19, 2013
BEST PUBLISHED PENNSYLVANIA FISHING OR BOATING RELATED NEWSPAPER PHOTO, COLOR OR BLACK & WHITE sponsored by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission – “Weekend at Moyer Pond” by Todd Puleo published in The (Sharon) Herald on June 9, 2013.
First runner-up: “Time for “pay to play” for kayakers, canoeists” by Bob Steiner published in The Oil City Derrick on March 21, 2013.
HANDLOADING PROMOTION AWARD FOR BROADCAST MEDIA sponsored by Redding Reloading – “Ammo Shortage? Load Your Own” by Charlie Burchfield, broadcast on NewsTalk Radio WCED on Dec. 16, 20013.
HANDLOADING PROMOTION AWARD FOR PRINT MEDIA sponsored by Redding Reloading – “Ammo shortage issues? Just do it yourself” by Charlie Burchfield, published in the Courier Express on Nov. 24, 2013.
First runner-up: “Reloading shells requires steady hands” by Linda and Bob Steiner, published in The (Oil City) Derrick on June 6, 2013.
PENNSYLVANIA TRAPPERS AWARD sponsored by the Pennsylvania Trappers Association – “Two-Hour Trapline” by Ralph Scherder, published in American Trapper, May-July 2013.
First runner-up: “Trapping Partners” by Rich Faler, published in American Trapper, December 2013.
WILDLIFE ART AWARD sponsored by Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art – “Sand Lake Loons” by Gerry Putt.
TROUT & THE COLDWATER RESOURCE AWARD sponsored by Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited – “Last Trip for Wild Trout in the Fall” by Don Feigert published in The (Sharon) Herald on Sept. 15, 2013.
First runner-up: “In The Wake: An Unwelcome Change” by Ron Steffe published in On the Water, September 2013.
YOUTH FISHING AWARD sponsored by Expositions, Inc. – “Adults and Kids need each other” by Bob Frye, published in the Tribune-Review on May 5, 2013.
First runner-up: “New Year’s Resolution: Take a ‘kid’ hunting, fishing” by Bob Steiner, published in Pennsylvania Outdoor News on Feb. 1, 2013.
YOUTH AND THE HUNTING/SHOOTING SPORTS AWARD sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation – “Start ‘Em Right” by Joe Byers, published in Crossbow Revolution, Fall 2013.
First runner-up: “Just Once” by Steve Sorensen, published in Deer and Deer Hunting, June 2013.