POWA will hold its informal fall gathering from Sept. 19-21 in Pennsylvania’s elk country.
Lodging will be in DuBois, only 25 miles from the main staging area in Benezette. Rooms have been secured at the Best Western, DuBois, for three nights. The hotel’s address is: 82 N. Park Place, DuBois PA 15801-2416; Phone: 814-371-6200.
Rooms are $98.10 per night plus tax. Register by Aug. 17 to get a reduced rate.
Elk viewing tours will be held early Friday and Saturday mornings. At 1 p.m. Saturday, Elk Country Visitors Center staff will offer a program.
All meals are on your own. A cocktail party with snacks will be held at Carol Mulvihill’s home at 5:30 p.m. Saturday.
Other activities are in the planning stages, and include dinners on both Friday and Saturday nights,and a program by Joe Neville with the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Registration is $20. Please fill out the registration form and send it to Dennis Scharadin at P.O. Box 221, Summit Station, PA 17979.